Thursday, October 22, 2015

Tantalizing Tamarindo

My excursion to Tamarindo was tantalizing! It was amazing and interesting and full of firsts. First time seeing the deep blue ocean. First time feeling the soft sand of a beach between my toes. First time feeling the cool waves rush up against my skin. First time ducking my head below water searching for any signs of life along the coastline. First time taking a boat through the open water, without a care in the world, enjoying the sun, the views, and the breeze flowing through my hair. Those firsts were unlike anything I have ever felt before (literally).


We boarded the bus for Tamarindo Friday afternoon upon the conclusion of the morning Spanish classes at noon. I attempted to take a long nap on the bus, but I am awful when it comes to sleeping in moving vehicles, so I watched the movies they had playing and chilled until our arrival around 5pm. I stepped off the bus with this image of this dark, soft pristine beach in the background of a beautiful hotel; luckily, that is exactly what I saw. The glistening of the light on the ocean and the outdoor pool, the clean, fancy-looking lobby. It was so much to take in. I had finally seen the ocean for the first time and it was more incredible than I could have imagined. Breathing in the salty hair, feeling disgusting from all the humidity, looking at the clear, deep blue water and the clear night sky; it was just great.

I headed to my room to unpack and get ready for dinner. The hotel provided us with a buffet dinner, which consisted of pasta and the like. We were also treated to cultural dancers, who reminded me very much of when I participated in baile folklorico back in the states when I was little.

The rest of the evening consisting of figuring out what form my fun take for the evening. This fun took the form of hanging out with other ISA students in one of the other rooms in the hotel, wavering back and forth between paying two mil to enter the local club, The Crazy Monkey, or walking back to the hotel alone. After analyzing the club from the outside for a couple of minutes, I decided it was not worth the money and chose the later option. Luckily, one of guys also decided to turn back, so I had a walking companion back to the hotel. We ended up talking to some other ISA students upon our return, and I eventually settled on a nice night of getting cozy in the hotel bed and watching American Horror story. As many of you know, I like to go out sometimes, but clubs, bars, and drinking are just not my thing, so I was very much content with the remainder of my evening.


On Saturday morning, I was determined to get an early start. I had planned to fit in some time exploring the beach and ocean before I boarded a catamaran for a tour. I got up early, around 7am or so, chowed down on some breakfast while watching the waves of the ocean, and prepared to experience the beach for the first time. I took off my sandals and grabbed a towel and stepped onto the smooth, soft sand of the beach for the first time in my life. It's hard to explain my emotions as I felt the sand of the beach run between my toes and the crash of the waves upon my body as I made my way into the ocean for the first time. Many children go to the beach when they're young, so they don't always have the memory of the first time they went. For others, it's so common for them to go to the beach that they don't have as much of the excitement each time they return. For me, being almost 21 years old and never having stepped foot on a beach, I was able to create a memory, filled with happiness and excitement and those rich sensations of touch, and I will be able to remember that moment vividly for the rest of my life.

I spent about 4 or so hours just soaking up the sun, playing in the sand, and cooling off in the warm, clear, salty water of the Pacific Ocean. It was soon time for my catamaran tour, another adventure filled with firsts for me. The catamaran tour was not only my first time on a catamaran, but my first time on a boat, period. I stepped onto the speed boat that quickly took us to board the catamaran. I made a snug spot for myself near the front of the deck and looked over the side. The feeling of the breeze flowing through my hair, the saltiness of the air on my skin, and the incredible views is something I didn't expect whatsover. We traveled through the water, eating chips and salsa and taking advantage of the limited, but open bar. I had a couple of house drinks, which was a fruit juice mixed with Cacique, also known as Guaro, a Costa Rican brand of liquor. I also had a rum and coke. Besides drinking, I had the opportunity to just enjoy the view.

During the tour, we headed to a small coastline where we had the opportunity to snorkel, kayak, swim, or walk on the private beach. I chose snorkeling. Even though I suck at swimming, I was thrilled after dipping my head into the water and seeing the rocks near me, as well as the many different types of fish swimming around. I was so into the view that I ended up swimming straight into a giant rock. I quickly recovered and decided to go sit on the beach for a little while and soak up the sun. Upon my return swim to the boat after an hour, one of the guides was holding a puffer fish beneath the water. With snorkeling gear, I had the amazing opportunity to see a puffer fish for the first time. Unfortunately there was not enough time for me to hold it, as the other students did, but is was enjoyable nonetheless.

Upon our return to the boat, we were treated with lunch and music. We made our travels back to shore just in time to watch the sunset on the catamaran. It was beautiful. 

I ended the evening with getting tacos at a nearby stand and hanging out with friends from ISA. I didn't go out to the bars like the other students, mostly because I had drank all day on the boat and also, they're just not a thing to do all the time for me. I don't really get that much enjoyment out of it.


Sunday was pretty carefree. I spent the morning saying goodbye to the ocean that was my first, saying goodbye to the beach that was my first, and browsing the shops in the little beach town. Everything was super expensive and super touristy, so I decided against getting anything there. 

Until next time, Pura Vida.

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